Thursday, October 17, 2013

Assistive Technology Assignment

What is it?  Dragon Naturally Speaking for Teens
What does it do?  Translates spoken words into typed text on a computer.
Who does it benefit? This program benefits students who have difficulty reading and writing.

What is it?  Wynn Wizard
What does it do?  Scans text and changes it into a voice, read by a computer.
Who does it benefit? Students who have difficulty reading, or have sight disabilities can greatly benefit from this program.

What is it?  Inspiration.
What does it do?  Organizes main thoughts into bubbles, and then aids the student in finding secondary ideas.
Who does it benefit? Inspiration benefits students who have difficulty organizing their work, and get easily overwhelmed.


Wynn Wizard – This program was developed for “special educators and individuals with learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dysgraphia and aphasia.”  Wynn Wizard is the second version of the product, building off of its predecessor Wynn Reader.  The difference is that Wynn Reader was not able to scan and read documents, while Wizard can.  One interesting feature of Wynn Wizard is that it can save the computer’s voice recordings as audio files (MP3s, WAV, etc.).

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